Thursday, January 14, 2016

light basics and vocabulary

Fill light: fill light is filling the shadows in the pictures

key light: basically a strong black light that sets the mood. dominant light

Hair light: hair light is light shinning on the hair to separate from background

Background light: reveals the character from the back ground and helps seperate the subject

Shadowless: picture is evenly lit from all angles 

Hard light: a lot of light

Soft light: a little light

Grey card: lets the camera know what neutral gray is

Reflector: something that reflects light onto the subject

Diffuser: something that softens the light

Intensity :(Strength, or how to set shutter speed and aperture's appropriate to portraits)

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Flash Photography Basics

  1. Every flash photograph is two exposures in one.
  2. fill flash cash used when subject is backlit or side lit to eliminate silhouettes or shadows.
  3. flash exposure is not affected by shutter speed.
  4. flash illumination is dramatically affected by distance
  5. your camera measures ambient light and flash illumination separately
  6. with automatic flash metering, the flash illumination is measured after the shutter button is pressed , and the flash output is adjusted accordingly 
  7. Every slr camera with a mechanical shutter box has a maximum flash sync shutter speed
  8. harsh lighting, washed out subjects and red eye can be eliminated by using diffusers and light bouncing
  9. it is possible to change the oder of when the flash fires using 'rear curtain snc."
  10. removing the flash from the of the camera helps eliminate

spring challenge

For the spring challenge I'm doing this its basically panning except more colorful and artistic

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

7 pictures from 2015

I chose this picture because this is Probably the post craziest things captured on live Tv this year

I chose this picture because it was the solar eclipse and this only happens every century and it happened to be this year.

i chose this picture because this is a hard well composed photo to get.

i chose this picture because this is sad that people would smuggle birds like this into another country.

This picture shows devastation over sees after a war and how people have to cope with their living environment.

I chose this because this cat is awesome i wish i had different colored eyes.

I chose this picture because this was the last fight that ronda rousey had before her undefeated streak came to an end